Industrial Display, Andon

Company: Micromax Instruments Pvt Ltd
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Description: Custom-Built Industrial Communication Displays (ANDON) introduced by Micromax Instruments is used to provide production related online information on the shop floor to initialize appropriate action by the concerned person to achieve the target. The system also communicates important messages like welfare, awareness, and greetings to all concerned within no time. It features single line/multi-line; single colour/multicolour; multi-lingual, animated graphics; daylight visibility: seven letter styles (fonts). It's rugged, and weather proof construction allows it be used in outdoor conditions. It is widely used in applications that includes: industry - to display production targets, actual figures per shift/day/month on the shop floor, 'dispatch' quantities in the stores, 'material shortage alert', and 'maintenance call alert'; others - indoor/outdoor advertising; pollution level indication: temperature indication; humidity indication; token number indication; and exchange rate indication.

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