 Shower Door Hinges Suppliers > Innovation Edge LLC

Innovation Edge LLC

Contact: Robert Summerfield - Operations Manager
Address: 990 Erie Road, Unit M, Eastlake, Ohio 44095, USA
Phone: +1-(440)-796-9441 | Fax: +1-(440)-527-8451 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Innovation Edge LLC is an aggressive and tech-savvy manufacturing company utilizing an engineer-to-order business model. We are a full service engineering and manufacturing operation designed to offer a wide array of value added services. Our manufacturing services include machining, assembly/fabrication and prototyping. We offer various types of machining services that include precision CNC turning and milling. Our non-conventional machining techniques include water jet cutting, low volume, quick turnaround machining and mid- to high-volume production. We also offer various professional services such as mechanical design engineering, consulting & training services, manufacturing process development & engineering, reverse engineering, analysis & prototyping and project management. We utilize SolidWorks software for design & engineering, and MasterCAM for programming purposes.

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• CNC Turning Centers• Complex Project Management Services• Custom Machining
• Custom Machining, Milling• Custom Machining, Turning• Detailed Engineering Services
• Engineering & Design Services• General & Precision Machining• Grinding & Machining Services
• Machining Job Shop• Machining Services• Mechanical Engineering & Design
• Metal Parts Machining Job Shop• Metalworking & CNC Machining• OEM Machining Job Shop
• Precision & Automotive Machining• Precision & CNC Tooling Job Shop• Precision CNC Machining Job Shop
• Precision CNC Turning• Precision Machining• Precision Machining & Milling Job Shop
• Precision Machining Job Shop• Precision Waterjet Cutting Services• Process Development & Custom Processing
• Process, Design & Engineering• Product Design & Engineering• Production CNC Machining
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• Prototyping Machining• Rapid Precision Machining• Remedial Project Management Services
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