 Polymeric Drainage Pipes Suppliers > International Motion Control, Inc.

International Motion Control, Inc.

Contact: Patrick Lee - CEO
Address: 369 Franklin St., Buffalo, New York 14202, USA
Phone: +1-(716)-855-2500 | Fax: +1-(716)-855-1400 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: International Motion Control, Inc. provides motion control solutions. We deal with automation, controls, energy absorption and distribution. Our product line comprises of pneumatics, guided cylinders, air transfer system, thrusters and intensifiers. We serve the semiconductor, electronics, automotive, conveying and custom machinery industries. Our industrial product includes shock absorbers, air springs, elastromeric mounts and wire rope isolators. We are accredited with AS 9100 certification.

9 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Flow Controllers• Flow Controls• Integrated Motion Controls
• Intensifier Components• Motion Control Components• Motion Control Systems
• Shock Absorbers• Thrusters• Volumetric Flow Control

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