
Iron Roughneck Shop

Address: 2101 Hwy 64 W., Henderson, Texas 75652, USA
Phone: +1-(866)-821-9388 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Iron Roughneck Shop specializes in rebuilding and repairing ST-80 iron roughnecks. We have the parts inventory and service all types of iron roughnecks. We offer service & repair on a single unit or fleet basis, with written reports of each rigs equipment and recommendations. When repairs are completed, we produce a detailed report listing the failures we have uncovered during the inspection & repair process. We provide various services including inspections, general service & repairs, component repair services, and spare ready services. The inspection consists of monitoring and/or adjusting pressures, inspection of controls, gauges, hydraulic functions, and testing for leaks. We provide complete failure analysis and repair services. We repair transmissions, hydraulic motors, hydraulic pumps, cylinders, valves & gauges with all services quoted for approval. We also offer various spare parts including locking rings, retaining rings, roller bearings, push rings, remote valve control, knurled rollers, manifold assembly, hydraulic pump and pressure filters.

33 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Bearing Push Rings• Bottom Slide Rings• Component Repair Service
• Control Valve Assembly• Custom Designed Hydraulic Cylinder Repairs• Failure Analysis Consultants
• Failure Analysis/Prevention• General Service & Repairs• Hydraulic Component Repairs
• Hydraulic Cylinder Repair, Rebuilding, Custom Fabr...• Hydraulic Equipment Repairs• Hydraulic Gauges Repairs
• Hydraulic Motors• Hydraulic Pump Repairs• Hydraulic Pumps
• Hydraulic Valve Repairs• Iron Roughneck• Iron Roughnecks Rebuilding
• Iron Roughnecks Repairing• Knurled Rollers• Locking Rings
• Pressure Filters• Push Rings• Remote Valve Controls
• Retaining Rings• Return Line Filters• Roller Bearings
• Smooth Rollers• Suction Filters• Torque Cylinder Rods
• Torque Gauges• Transmission Repair• Upper Locking Rings

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