 GW Style Swab Cups Suppliers > J.D. Gould Company, Inc.

J.D. Gould Company, Inc.

Contact: Phillip Hubbs - Operations Manager
Address: 4707 Massachusetts Avenue, P.O. Box 18128, Indianapolis, Indiana 46218-0128, USA
Phone: +1-(317)-547-5289, 800-634-6853 | Fax: +1-(317)-547-5234 | Map/Directions >>

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Profile: J.D. Gould Company, Inc. is a manufacturer of solenoid valves, which are widely used for industrial and commercial applications. We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. All standard valves are supplied with continuous duty coils of the proper class of insulation for the service indicated on the name plate. We have an extensive product line for a variety of applications and maintain a fully-stocked warehouse. We also house complete machining, fabricating, testing and engineering facilities.

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• Stainless Steel Steam Solenoid Valve• Stainless Steel Water Solenoid Valve

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