 Stainless Steel Side Plates Suppliers > Jaycee Technologies Pvt Ltd

Jaycee Technologies Pvt Ltd

Contact: Abnue K Jalali
Address: 14, A; Soba Vihar - R, Paud Road, Pune, Maharashtra 411 038, India
Phone: +91-(20)-64703186, 25290744 | Fax: +91-(20)-25290744 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Jaycee Technologies Pvt Ltd is a supplier of level measuring instruments for cement, power, steel, mining, chemical and petrochemical, soaps & detergents, fertilizers, paper, food stuff & other industries. Our products include transit time flow meters, microwave level transmitters, ultrasonic level transmitters, ultrasonic proximity sensors, ultrasonic level transmitters, capacitance level transmitters, rotating paddles, and vibrating forks. We have sales and service network with trained engineers to provide quick and efficient services.

Product Catalogs:

• Microwave Sensor For Measurement Of Moisture

23 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Capacitance Type Level Transmitter• Conductivity Meters• Conductivity Probes
• Conductivity Sensors• Density Measurement Systems• Float Type Level Switch
• Float Type Level Switches• Guided Microwave Level Transmitters• Handheld Transit Time Ultrasonic Flowmeters
• Level Transmitters• Level Transmitters: Ultrasonic• Moisture Measurement
• Moisture Measurement Systems• Nuclear Density Measurement Devices• Nucleonic Density Measurement
• Portable Transit Time Ultrasonic Flowmeters• Proximity Sensors• Proximity Sensors
• Rotating Paddle Level Limit Switch• Transit Time Flowmeters• Ultrasonic Proximity Sensor
• Vibrating Fork Level Limit Switch• Vibrating Fork Type Liquid Level Switch

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