Profile: Johnson Manufacturing Company offers environmental friendly fluxes, lead-free solders and specially engineered tools. Our products include soldering paste, car polish, paint sprayers, nickel soldering flux, mini flush gun, welding torches, working gloves, charge air cooler tester and compound offset seamer. We produce a complete line of fluxes, tinning compounds and solders. Our soldering fluids contain no free acid. It is highly active when heated and nearly inactive when cold. Any method of heating for soldering may be used with this flux. Some common methods include torch, open flame burner, soldering iron, hot plates, oven, induction, resistance heating and quartz lamp. Typical soldering uses include general sheet metal soldering, auto radiator repair, antique auto body restoration, strip tinning of copper & brass, soldering stained glass and for many production applications. Our stainless steel flux is an excellent flux for torch soldering of stainless steel, monel, nickel and chrome. This balanced formulation starts to clean the instant it is applied and continues throughout the soldering process. It works well with lead-free solders and other solders as well. It can be diluted with water to become a more general purpose flux. Our Aluma-Clean works safely at room temperature to remove dirt, oil and road grime from radiator fins, without dissolving the top layer of metal away.