 Tube Beading Suppliers > KMC Oil Tools

KMC Oil Tools

Contact: Johnnie Daudghdrill - Vice President
Address: Houston, TX, USA
Phone: +1-(281)-260 6016 | Fax: +1-(281)-260 6969 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: KMC Oil Tools provides specialized services and products to oil & gas producers and drilling contractors. We deal with drilling waste management and drilling fluids & services. We also offer internet service to provide instant access to product data and technical information to customers. We are accredited with ISO 9000 standard.

17 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
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• Drilling Service• Exploration & Development Consulting Services• Flow Couplings
• Hazardous Wastes Disposal• Machine Shops• Oil & Gas Field Production & Industrial Ch...
• Oil & Gas Field Services• Oil Containment• Oil Field Services
• Oil Well Mud Engineering Services• Oil Well Services• Solid Control Oil Field Dryers
• Solids Control Services• Stabbing Guides

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