 High-End Airplane Tow Tractors Suppliers > Kala Mining & Drilling Equipments

Kala Mining & Drilling Equipments

Contact: Mr. P. S. Mohan
Address: 147/A, Sector-I, Phase-II, I.D.A., Cherlapally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500052, India
Phone: +91-(40)-27260160 | Fax: +91-(40)-27260160 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Kala Mining & Drilling Equipments manufactures high quality mining & drilling equipments such as tractor mounted drilling rigs, wagon drills, water well rigs, hydraulic cylinders, pneumatic grinders, and drill steel rod grinders. Our tractor mounted rigs are specially designed for fast drilling. These are economical alternative to crawler mounted drills and are capable of drilling 102-115 mm diameter holes upto a depth of 130 feet using down-the-hole hammer and bits. Our light weight pneumatic drill model KLD4 is equipped with a down-the-hole hammer for drilling 76-115 diameter holes in both vertical & horizontal directions upto a maximum depth of 25 m to pass diamond wire rope in marble and granite quarries.

14 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
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• Drilling Equipment• Drilling Rigs• Hammer Tools
• Hammers• Hydraulic Cylinder Kits• Hydraulic Cylinder Parts
• Hydraulic Cylinders• Mining Equipment• Pneumatic Grinders
• Tractor Mounted Drilling Rigs• Water-Well Drilling Rigs

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