MediVac Technologies |
Address: 25030 W. Avenue Stanford #190, Valencia, California 91355, USA |
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Phone: +1-(661)-295-6989,800-479-3349
MediVac Technologies is an industrial leak testing and high vacuum industry. We perform helium leak testing on heat exchangers, steam turbines, condensers, distillation towers, and buried pipelines. L
Sentech Industries Inc. |
Address: 23-03 45th Road, Suite 304, Long Island City, New York 11101, USA |
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Phone: +1-(718)-433-3797, 888-761-9333
Sentech Industries Inc. is a firm representating HVAC product. We provide with a broad selection of quality products. We specialize in flowmeters and instrumentation. We offer sensors, including flow
American Leak Detection |
Address: 888 Research Drive, Suite 100, Palm Springs, California 92262, USA |
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Phone: +1-(800)-755-6697
American Leak Detection offer services in detection of hidden leaks and line location for water and sewer systems. Our services include trace and profile water, sewer, electric, cable & telephone line
Laco Technologies, Inc. |
Address: 139 West 2260 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115, USA |
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Phone: +1-(801)-486-1004
Laco offers vacuum pump and leak detector repair services and rentals. Vacuum applications division focuses on high vacuum and leak detection technology with calibrated leak and vacuum gauge calibrati