Logic Analysers are an electronic instrument that displays signals in a digital circuit. It is used for capturing data in systems that have too many channels to be examined with an oscilloscope. It can trigger on a complicated sequence of digital events and then capture a large amount of digital data from the system under test . Scientech Technologies offers a range of logic analysers such as LA-4000 & LA-5000 series. The analysers feature maximum sampling rate-500 MHz, deep data buffers (up to 512K samples per channel/500 MHz), stores up to 512K events surrounding the trigger point, up to 160 data input channels and high impedance probes (200Kohm/5pf). It works with up to 8 different logic thresholds including TTL, ECL, 3V logic, COMS, or RS-232 at the same time with multiple threshold voltage selections, external trigger output and high data bandwidth of 100 MHz.
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