Machine Condition Monitoring Instruments

Company: MCM Instruments

Description: Machine Condition Monitoring Instruments like bearing/vibration testers, motor testers/checkers, machine condition monitor, digital motor evaluator, electric motor checker, bearing analyzer are manufactured by our company. These instruments and the monitoring technique are based on the recommendations of ISO. The vibrator meter of MCM series is a pocket size micro controller based instrument easy to use and most economical tool for condition monitoring of machines. The bearing analyzer is also a micro controller based instrument used to analyze bearing condition, measure machine vibration, and check rotational speed. The EMC series monitoring equipment is a portable diagnostic tool for electrical engineers and is used for quick on-site checks of electric motor and other three-phase machines. A reduction in machine performance, such as inefficient operation or tripping of overloads, may indicate mechanical or electrical faults. If the faults are electrical the EMC series instrument will detect it immediately.

Other Catalogs (From MCM Instruments) :
• Motor Checker• Bearings/motors Monitoring Instruments• Predictive Maintenance Instruments
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