Description: The new LR100KPIus and LR150Kplus are new additions to the range of Plus Series materials testing machines and extend the range to 9 models with capacities from 1kN to 150kN. The floor-standing LR100KPlus and LR150KPlus can measure forces of up to 100kN and 150kN respectively, and offer extended test speeds, better resolution, greater accuracy, improved data sampling rates and higher data storage than previous models. The LR100KPlus and LR150KPlus are twin column, screw-driven systems, and can be used stand-alone or under computer control using NexygenTM MT control and analysis software. The new instruments offer extension resolution of better than 0.3 microns, an improvement of more than 10 times. The incorporation of the Plus electronics in the new instrument has dramatically improved test speeds at both ends of the scale. With data sampling rates increased more than 10-fold, tests can be carried out much more quickly. However, the minimum movement speed has also been reduced by a factor of 10 to 1 micron minute, with exceptionally smooth control. This control precision and slow movement rate is essential for measuring the tiny movements that occur when rigid materials such as metals or ceramics are tested at high forces. Indeed this precision is such that it would take 1.5 hours for the machine to move the distance of a single sheet of paper of just 90 microns thickness. Both of the new machines can store up to 600 individual test results as well as all test parameters. These include sample thickness, width, colour, batch number, gauge length and other information related to the test or sample. Results can be exported or printed using an optional printer. The new LR100KPIus and LR150Kplus range of materials testing machines have been introduced by Lloyd Instruments.