Belt Maintenance Systems |
Address: 240 Seneca St., Buffalo, New York 14204, USA |
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Phone: +1-(716)-852-0832
Belt Maintenance Systems specializes in providing belt repair materials, mechanical fasteners and conveyor belt cleaners. The E-6000 is a belt repair material which provides adhesion strength and vers
S F S Intec, Inc. |
Address: Spring Street & Van Reed Road, P.O. Box 6325, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania 19610-9818, USA |
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Phone: +1-(610)-376-5751
S F S Intec, Inc. fabricates fasteners and fastening systems. We are involved with cold forming, powder metallurgy and installation tool design. Our product line includes truck trailers, TimberWork&tr
Stanley Fastening Systems |
Address: 2 Briggs Dr., East Greenwich, Rhode Island 02818, USA
Phone: +1-(401)-884-2500, 800-228-0567
Stanley Fastening Systems manufactures staples. We produce hand or power stapling machines, piano steel wire, staple wire and mechanical wire.
SFS Intec Ltd. |
Address: 153 Kirkstall Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS4 2AT, United Kingdom |
Phone: +44-(0113)-2085500
SFS Intec Ltd. is a manufacturer of precision cold formed components, special fasteners and mechanical fastening elements. We are an ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 17025 certified company. Our products i