Komax Systems, Inc |
Address: P.O.Box 1323, Wilmington, California 90748-1323, USA
www.komax.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(310)-830-4320, 800-826-0760
Komax Systems, Inc. is a mixing and systems engineering company. We design and manufacture static mixers, steam heaters, desuperheaters and reactors. We provide unique triple action static mixing, whi
SPX Dehydration & Process Filtration |
Address: 4647 SW 40th Avenue, Ocala, Florida 34474, USA
www.spxairtreatment.com |
Phone: +1-(352)-237-1220
SPX Dehydration & Process Filtration specializes in the development, production & distribution of dehydration and filtration technologies. We offer compressed air & gas dryers, air & process filtratio