 Ultraviolet Filters Suppliers > Metatech Industries

Metatech Industries

Contact: Mr.Mahesh Thite
Address: 595, Shaniwar Peth, Gowaikar Complex, Pune, Maharashtra 411030, India
Phone: +91-(20)-24450312, 24489295 | Fax: +91-(20)-24450530, 24450295 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Metatech Industries offers a complete range of machines for metallography, covering an entire range from sectioning to image analysis with various options in capacities and automation. We provide grinding/polishing machines, belt grinders, sectioning & hot compression machines and automatic grinding /polishing machines. Our product Autopol-I is a spring loaded semi automatic polishing machine for low work volume laboratories. It has a grinding/polishing motor, grinding/polishing discs, specimen rotating motor & a specimen holding cap. Oscicut is a heavy duty sectioning machine which has a automatic filtration system & a extra large coolant tank. Our product MGB-II is a dependable belt grinder with completely enclosed structure for initial grinding of metallographic specimen. It has dynamically well balanced roller & a water faucet for intermediate rinsing to avoid over heating.

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