 Socket Clamp Washers Suppliers > Modern Die Systems Inc

Modern Die Systems Inc

Contact: Daniel Neuendorf - President
Address: 1104 N. J St., Elwood, Indiana 46036, USA
Phone: +1-(765)-552-3145 | Fax: +1-(765)-552-0002 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Modern Die Systems Inc serves the metal forming & stamping industry. We maintain a fully developed tool shop including jig bores, mills, lathes, wire EDM, CMM, surface grinders and presses. We design & build progressive dies for a wide range of parts & markets. We provide tooling for fan and blower manufacturers. Our draw dies can be made to produce round, rectangular or oddly shaped shells in shallow or deep draws. Our die accessories are punch collar, smart pilot & die-aligners.

13 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Die Job Shop• Draw Dies• Electric Tools
• Fixtures• Hand Tools• Holding Fixtures
• Jigs and Fixtures• Plastic Injection Molding• Portable Tools
• Pressure Die Casting Dies• Progressive Dies• Prototype Stamping
• Tool and Die Design

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