Doyon Drilling, Inc. |
Address: 101 West Benson Blvd., Suite 503, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, USA |
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Phone: +1-(907)-563-5530
Doyon Drilling, Inc. operates oil and gas drilling rig designed to drill oil wells. We produce DDI Rig 15, which is the land rig operating dual fuel turbine for power generation. We develop environmen
Danny's Hot Oil Service, Inc. |
Address: 816 West Broadway, Tatum, New Mexico 88267, USA
Phone: +1-(505)-398-3490
Danny's Hot Oil Service, Inc. provides oil filed equipment services.
Danny's Hot Oil Service Inc. |
Address: 1816 W. Broadway / PO Box 682, Tatum, New Mexico 88267, USA
Phone: +1-(575)-398-3490
Danny's Hot Oil Service, Inc. specializes in oilfield tank hot oil treating.
Precision Energy |
Address: 4200, 150-6th Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta T2P 3Y7, Canada
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Phone: +1-(403)-716.4500
Precision Energy is a provider of oil field services and a drilling contractor. We also supply onshore equipments and provide oilfields for rental.