 Fuel Oil Suppliers > Omega Door & Hardware

Omega Door & Hardware

Contact: Bill Kelly - General Manager
Address: 924 Division St., Kansas City, Kansas 66103, USA
Phone: +1-(913)-647-3667 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Omega Door & Hardware sells, installs & services commercial garage doors, dock equipment, pedestrian doors and a host of other specialty equipment. We offer an extensive line of products that reduce maintenance, improve efficiency and help save on energy costs. We have hollow metal doors and frames for buildings. U.L. fire rated, galvanized, heavy gauge and custom preps are available in a wide variety of sizes. We can provide new frames & doors for new construction, or repair and retrofit to existing buildings on site. From attractive, high-traffic storefronts to low energy ADA compliant doors, we have the solution for the facility.

6 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Architectural Hardware• Building Lumber• Commercial Door Hardware
• Commercial Industrial Hardware• Residential & Commercial Doors• Wood, Plywood

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