 Rotary Brush Plating Systems Suppliers > Oregon Environmental Systems

Oregon Environmental Systems

Contact: Jon Thenhaus - Sales Manager
Address: 8523 SW Wakkila Terrace, Beaverton, Oregon 97007, USA
Phone: +1-(503)-579.0696 | Fax: +1-(503)-579.4118 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Oregon Environmental Systems focuses on the recovery of waste solvents through distillation. Our solvent recyclers are distillation systems, that reduce the amount of hazardous materials kept on site & eliminates the need to transport liquid hazardous waste on the streets & highways, reducing the liability risk in the event of spillage. Each solvent recycler can be programmed to recycle a broad range of solvents, such as acetone, toulene, mineral spirits, paint thinner, methanol, ethanol, butanol, xylene and methyl isobutyl ketone. Our vacuum generators can be easily and quickly combined with the entire line of our solvent recycler systems. The adoption of a vacuum generator means a considerable drop in the solvent boiling temperature.

6 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• OES Vacuum Generators• Portable Solvent Recyclers• Solvent Recovery Systems
• Solvent Recycler Liners• Solvent Recycler/Recovery Bags• Vacuum Generators

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