Profile: Oteman specializes in providing au-to-ma-tic cut-ting ma-chi-nes. We of-fer 3D soft-wa-re for the de-sign & si-mu-la-tion of mo-dels, nes-ting soft-wa-re, fa-bric op-ti-mi-za-tion, sprea-ding and cut-ting equip-ment for fa-bric or leat-her. We provide au-to-ma-tic fa-bric sprea-ding ma-chi-ne with crad-le-feed and au-to-ma-tic th-rea-ding. It features ultra fast roll chan-ge, au-to-ma-tic th-rea-ding sys-tem, real-ti-me ten-sion con-trol, can bus te-ch-no-logy, mi-cro-pro-ces-sor con-tro-lled units and is pro-gram-ma-ble from a PC. It can be con-nec-ted to LCS (la-ying con-trol sys-tem) for total cut-ting room ma-na-ge-ment and con-trol. Our machine is avai-la-ble in 200 and 300 kg ver-sions. The maximum roll dia-me-ter is 100 cm. Va-cuum sprea-ding table is used to re-du-ce the fa-bric vo-lu-me. We offer trans-fer ta-bles to move sprea-ding ma-chi-nes to other ta-bles and feed dif-fe-rent cut-ting lines. Our roll slit-ting ma-chi-nes in-tro-du-ce fle-xi-bi-lity and ef-fi-ciency to roll sto-ra-ge.
9 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)
| |||||
• | Cutting Plotter | • | Fiber Plotter Systems | • | Industrial Plotters/Cutters |
• | Marking Plotters | • | Plotters | • | Roll Slitter |
• | Roll Slitting Machines | • | Roll to Reel Slitting Machinery | • | Slitting & Re-Rolling Services |