Milling Suppliers > PM Industries

PM Industries

Contact: A.Mastrincola - Owner
E-Mail: [EMail]
Address: 442 Ridge Road, West Milford, New Jersey 07480, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-833-8933 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: PM Industries specializes in offering MasterSeries rust inhibiting sealers as well as topcoats. We provide anti-corrosive systems to both the automotive and industrial market place. The MasterSeries permanent rust sealer/surfacer is an air tight primer. This product is used on everything from bridges to antique cars. Anywhere that rust is a problem, MasterSeries prevents it from recurring. MasterSeries primer is ideal for frames, floor pans, window channels, and especially under chrome molding clips. MasterSeries, when scratched, will not travel beyond the scratch. MasterSeries chassis coating is a one part urethane with good chip resistancy, very high gloss, and never makes a brush mark. This coating can be applied directly over wire brushed rust. AG 111 high performance UV stable finish paint is a high performance finishing paint. Besides automotive restoration, this paint is applicable in every conceivable hostile environment from wrought iron railings to high level bridge. It is a two part urethane that is available in gloss black, satin black, clear, red, yellow, white, gray, and beige. This is the ideal finish for firewalls, frames, wheel wells, and any other hostile environment. Master Series AG 111 has non-yellowing, non-chalking combined with gloss retention and will retain a high gloss through many years of service. It is widely used as an anti-graffiti paint for mass transit vehicles as a topcoat for structural steel and bridges, industrial floor coating & for high performance architectural applications.

11 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Anti-Graffiti Paint• Chassis Coating• Coating Materials
• Coatings• Custom Coatings• High Performance Finishing Paints
• High Performance UV Stable Finish Paints• Manifold Coating• Permanent Rust Sealer/Surfacer
• Primers• Rust Inhibiting Sealers

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