 Vacuum Fittings Suppliers > P R Z Technologies, Inc.

P R Z Technologies, Inc.

Contact: Walt Pryzbyl - President
Address: 5490 Broadway St. / PO Box 369, Lancaster, New York 14086, USA
Phone: +1-(716)-683-1300 | Fax: +1-(716)-683-1366 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: P R Z Technologies, Inc. deals with aerospace production and automotive manufacturing services. Our equipment includes milling, tapping and grinder machines. Our knife blades are designed and built to accept long knife blades for cross grinding serrations. Our hydraulic clamping fixture are used for automotive hub manufacturing. Our offset box end is perfect for plug/drain fittings, hose assemblies and access to recessed adapter fittings.Our pushers allow for consistent parts loading and require less operator intervention.

21 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Bearing Cap Fixtures• Coatings• Compensating Tool Holders
• Cylinder Head Fixtures• Horizontal Shaft Fixtures• Hub Casting Fixtures
• Hub Machining Fixtures• Hydraulic Bracket Fixtures• Hydraulic Fixtures
• Hydraulic Gear Fixtures• Industrial Paints• Large OD Collet Clamp Fixtures
• Line Boring & Welding Unit• Machine Tool Accessories• Machine Tools
• Metal Cutting Equipment• Metal Cutting Machine Tool• Painting Systems
• Pneumatic CMM Checking Fixtures• Precision Manual Fixture• Work Ejector

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