Paperless Recorder, Vr 18

Company: Theta Controls
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Description: Paperless Recorder, VR 18 displays real time measured data on LCD and saves data on a compact flash card. It is hooked up to network via ethernet. It is available with maximum 18 channels. A DC voltage, thermocouple, resistance temperature detector, or contact signal could be set to each channel as an input signal. VR 18 can be used to monitor, record and evaluate the process in chemical plant, food and beverage plant, petrochemical plant, semiconductor plant, metal alloy, automotive plant, environmental monitoring and laboratory. The outstanding features of paper less recorder are: 1.6.1″ TFT LCD system with VGA monitor of 640 x 480 pixels, I/O card, flexible screen configuration and infrared detector. It saves the data in a Flash ROM, compact Flash card or PC. It uses the ethernet for communication with an A-D analog input of 18bit and D-A analog output of 15bit. Each channel have the data sampling rate of 200msec. Programmable, filters and alarms, messages, and data acquisition or data logging system can be implemented using VR 18.
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