 Vibration Switches Suppliers > PortaFab Corporation

PortaFab Corporation

Contact: Ben Kelley - Marketing Manager
Address: 18080 Chesterfield Airport Rd., Chesterfield, Missouri 63005, USA
Phone: +1-(636)-537-5555 | Fax: +1-(636)-537-2955 | Map/Directions >>

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Profile: PortaFab Corporation is a designer and manufacturer of modular cleanrooms. We offer unique systems to service the specific requirements of the pharmaceutical and micro-electronics industries, as well as a general line ideal for applications that range from food processing to paint finishing. Our wall systems interface with floors, ceilings, and mechanical components to provide an ultra-clean environment with effective control of air flow, pressure, temperature, humidity & filtration. The systems can be customized to fit the exact requirements and provide an effective alternative to conventional construction. The flexible design also allows for fast, easy installation in a system that can be expanded or relocated as needs change. The extruded aluminum components and ultra smooth panel surfaces are ideal for achieving maximum cleanliness in a controlled environment & with all the options available. CleanLine systems can be installed as free-standing envelope structures independent of the rest of the building, or as floor to ceiling systems that connect to the underside of a ceiling grid system, or the deck of a building. They can also incorporate load bearing equipment platforms that provide support to essential mechanical equipment or maintenance loads. The PM458 XTRA tall cleanroom wall system features extra height walls that can extend to the existing ceiling, or be freestanding with load-bearing decks. It is an ideal system for segmenting off large areas within a manufacturing facility.

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