 Double Sided Post Formers Suppliers > Positive Safely Manufacturing Company

Positive Safely Manufacturing Company

Contact: Fred Tomazic - Vice President
Address: 34099 Melinz Parkway Unit A, Eastlake, Ohio 44095, USA
Phone: +1-(440)-951-2130 | Fax: +1-(440)-951-2256 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Positive Safely Manufacturing Company is a manufacturer of safety devices. Our range of products include pull-backs for punch presses, pull-backs for pressbrakes, safety device, universal gate device, adjustable barrier guards, singe stroke device and hand tools. We offer a wide range of pliers, vacuum lifters, magnetic lifters and stock positioners for feeding parts into punch presses & other machines. Our possons pull-back unit allows operator movement across the front of the pressbrake.

3 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Punch Presses• Safety Equipment, Electrical• Safety Systems

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