 Frame Style Spray Nozzles Suppliers > Process Sensors Corporation

Process Sensors Corporation

Contact: Ken Sink - Marketing Consultant
Address: 113 Cedar Street, Milford, Massachusetts 01757, USA
Phone: +1-(508)-473-9901 | Fax: +1-(508)-473-0715 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Process Sensors Corporation is a manufacturer of moisture gauges and sensors. The RFM - 1000BT is a simple and reliable radio frequency bench top moisture tester. The tester generates a radio frequency fringe field at less then 10MHz. This field penetrates a sample chamber that holds the product being measured for moisture content. RFM - 1000BT conducts non destructive testing and is unaffected by sample color. The HHRF handheld moisture sensor is a pure dielectric RF moisture gauge using enhanced phase lock referencing on the generated frequency to measure shift in resonant frequency due solely to changes in moisture throughout the sampling volume. The MCT 360 NIR transmitter is mounted on the PSC scanner and is moved automatically across the web. The scanner and MCT 360 communicate directly with PVDS scanner software allowing two scanners to be controlled simultaneously with up to six web profiles displayed in real time.

37 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
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• Electrolytic Moisture Sensors• Handheld Digital Infrared Thermometer• Heavy Duty NIR Multiple Constituent Gauges
• Industrial Temperature Measurement System• Infrared Heat Switch• Infrared Reflection Moisture Sensors
• Infrared Reflection Sensors to Measure Moisture• Infrared Thermometers, Portable• Infrared Video Thermometers
• IR Temperature Sensor Systems• IR Temperature Sensors• Moisture Analyzers
• Moisture Gauge• Moisture Measurement Systems• Moisture Measuring Instruments
• Moisture Meter• Moisture Sensors• Moisture Transmitter
• Multiple Constituent Transmitters• Natural Gas Moisture Analyzer• NIR Transmitter
• Portable IR Thermometer• Portable Telescopic, Laser Sight Thermometer• Portable Thermal Imaging Cameras
• Process Control Instruments• Process Control, Instrumentation and Systems• Process Thermal Imaging Systems
• Profile Video Display Systems• Radio Frequency Bench Top Moisture Sensors• Radio Frequency Hand Held Moisture Sensors
• Radio Frequency Moisture Sensors• Stainless Steel Food Grade Moisture Gauges• Temperature Measuring Systems
• Thermal Imager

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