Progressive Stamping Dies & Lamination

Company: Shipwright Industrial Co., Ltd.
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Description: Shipwright Industrial is involved in the designing of stamping dies that progresses from loose lamination to interlocking and auto-skewing, from single row, double rows to multiple rows. The design and assembly of lower die is from the single cutting plates, whole slot insert and slot segments combination. The rotor skewing method is progressed from skewing gear to motor skewing control belt. The stator 90 degree or 180 degree rotation design helps the lamination overcome the material balance issue. We have 5 H-type high speed press machines, 6 hydraulic press machines, 2 notching press machines, and up to 40 molds.. Most of the molds are autostacking and autoskewing for precisely combination as a pack. Semi automation system transfers the stator packs by conveyors to hydraulic press machines. The lamination material is mainly from China Steel and Japan. The material thickness is about 0.35mm to 0.50mm with reasonable tolerance. We not only offer progressive lamination but also notching lamination. The notching lamination serves the bigger motor companies such as power generators, elevators, and some special machining motors.
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