 Industrial Process Piping Suppliers > Ravindra Metal Industries

Ravindra Metal Industries

Contact: Mr. S.D. Bhoskar - Proprietor
Address: Aabasayabh Chinchwade Industrial Estate, Infront Of Hotel Mejwani, Walhekar Wadi Road, Chinchwad, Pune, Maharashtra 411033, India
Phone: +91-(20)-27351965 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Ravindra Metal Industries specializes in manufacturing, supplying, exporting and wholesaling the quality collection of non ferrous castings, products & components. Our product range comprises of sand castings, gravity die castings (permanent mold castings) and high pressure die castings. Industrial casting have been manufactured using timber material and have been designed as per the industry specific obligation.

8 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
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• Gray Iron Die Casting• High Pressure Aluminum Die Castings• Industrial Alloy Iron Castings
• Industrial Castings• Magnesium Die Castings

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