Profile: Rees-Memphis, Inc. designs, manufactures, and installs industrial air systems providing dust collection, pneumatic conveying & ventilation solutions for various processing industries. We supply material and air handling equipment, air system components and custom steel fabricated products to achieve project goals from concept to completion. We design and build complete industrial air systems, providing all equipment and air system components. We specialize in dust collection systems, pneumatic conveying systems, scrap handling systems, waste transfer systems, material load out systems, and ventilation systems. Our systems are designed according to the customer's specifications and needs. Our dust collection and filtration systems incorporate the latest technology in the processing of solid waste & dust. With tougher regulations from OSHA and EPA on dust exposure limits & atmospheric emissions, greater emphasis is being placed on the need for engineered environmental systems. We design scrap handling systems for the paper & pulp industries which collect product and scrap from feeders, shredders, floor sweeps, and trim cutters. Material is conveyed with low or high pressure air systems to receivers and cyclones for transferring or baling. Our ventilation systems are designed to continually remove and supply air to a particular area in the plant where engineered controls are needed to eliminate physical hazards or maintain temperature and humidity conditions. Our cyclone is a centrifugal separator for heavier dust particles and waste. The Models K, KL, and RHV cyclones combine quality construction with proven design to provide maximum durability and efficiency. Cyclones may also be custom designed for special applications. We provide industrial filters including a wide variety of bag and cartridge types. The type of filter media used depends on the specific characteristics of the collected particulate, and cleaning is by manual shaking, reverse-air, or pulse-jet.