 Derails, Hinged Suppliers > Reltech Limited

Reltech Limited

Contact: Mark Ashley - Sales / Marketing Director
Address: Cam Mills, Lower Cam, Dursley, Gloucestershire GL11 5PW, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(1453)-548 881 | Fax: +44-(1453)-545 810 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Reltech Limited specializes in offering burn-in test equipment and services. We provide independent testing services for production burn-in, quality assurance & qualification testing, reliability testing for manufactures and users. We also offer confidential & professional independent test service, controlled & assured test processes and a wide range of semiconductor devices & electronic parts. Our independent test service includes assemblies & sub-assemblies, fully maintained & calibrated test equipment & systems and test system configuration to perform application specific testing.

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• Fibre Optics Test Equipment• HASS Testing Services• High Temperature Forward Bias Testing
• Highly Accelerated Life Testing• Industrial Burn-in Equipment• Lead Free Reliability Testing Services
• MTBF Reliability Testing Services• Product Reliability Modeling• Product Safety Testing
• Reliability Stress Test Planning Services• Semiconductor Testing Equipments• Semiconductor Testing Systems
• Shear Testing• Temperature and Humidity Chambers• Temperature Control Systems/Equipment
• Temperature Controllers• Temperature Environmental Controls• Temperature Humidity Test Chambers
• Temperature Testing Instruments• Test Chambers• Test Chambers, Bluetooth
• Test Chambers, Climatic• Test Chambers, Rental• Test Chambers, Thermal Shock
• Testing and Measurement Equipment• Testing Services, Temperature and Humidity Combine...• Thermal Shock Testing

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