
Rolfe Industries (Vacuumschmelze GmbH)

Contact: Ed Rolfe - Managing Director
Address: 28 Market Field, Steyning, West Sussex BN44 3SU, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(08452)-303601 | Fax: +44-(08452)-303605 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Rolfe Industries (Vacuumschmelze GmbH) manufactures magnetic materials and related products. VACOMAX® is our permanent magnet material of rare-earths and cobalt. These magnets feature high coercivities with simultaneously high saturation and temperature & corrosion stability. Magnets made of VACODYM® and VACOMAX® are produced powder metallurgically by sintering. Depending on size, shape, tolerances, batch size and magnetic requirements, the parts are either cut from isostatically pressed blocks or are die-pressed. When die-pressing, the powder particles are aligned by strong magnetic fields parallel (axial field for AP-grades) or perpendicular (transverse fields for TP-grades) to the direction of pressing depending on the geometry of the part. Isostatically or transverse-field pressed parts have an about 6 percent higher remanence compared to axial-field pressed magnets. Cores & inductive components are used in chokes, XDSL, transformers, current transformers and current sensors.

47 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Bi-Metal Components• Chokes, DC Smoothing• Current Sensors
• Current Transformers• Current, High Frequency Transformers• Cylindrical Magnetic Assemblies
• DSL Telecom Equipment• Electronic Interface Modules• EMC Components
• EMI & RFI Filters• EMI Shielding• EMI Suppression Ferrite Cores
• Encapsulated Transformers• Filters, RFI and EMC• Flyback Transformers
• HDSL Transformers• Heatpipes• Heatsink
• High Frequency Transformers• Inductors• Inductors and Coils, SMD
• Isolating Transformers• Line-Matching Transformers• Magnetic Components
• Magnets• Nickel Alloy Tape• Nickel Beryllium
• PCB Transformers• Permanent Magnets• Power Magnets
• Power Transformers• Pulse Transformers• RFI Filters
• Seals, Glass to Metal• Single Phase Inductors and Chokes• SMD Components
• Solid-Core Transformer• Surface Mount Products• Switching Mode Transformers
• Telecom Transformers• Telecommunication Equipment• Telecommunication Transformers
• Three Phase Inductors and Chokes• Toroidal Transformers• Transformers
• Transformers, PCB Mounting• Wideband Current Transformers

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