Profile: SEC Heat Exchangers is a manufacturer of copper, nickel, titanium, double wall, & air gap brazed plate heat exchangers. We also manufacture plate & shell, shell & tube U-tube heat exchangers, gasketed plate & frame heat exchanger, air cooled heat exchangers, air to air, flat plate heat exchangers, cryogenic heat exchangers, compact spiral heat exchangers, energy stations, oil coolers, and indirect water heaters for residential, commercial and industrial HVAC applications. SEC brazed plate heat exchangers are pressure rated for 435 psi at 437°F. A specially designed corrugation pattern promotes highly turbulent flow characteristics. High turbulence dramatically improves the heat transfer rate and reduces the amount and the possibility of deposit build up. SEC brazed plate heat exchangers consist of specially formed stainless steel plates, vacuum brazed together to form a highly efficient heat transfer device.