 Custom Machining, Milling Suppliers > Safety Consultants and Solutions Provider Limited

Safety Consultants and Solutions Provider Limited

Contact: Bello
Address: 15, Adeshina Street, P.O.Box 1487, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria
Phone: +234-(802)-628-7682, 706-784-4714 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Safety Consultants and Solutions Provider Limited is a provider of integrated safety consultancy solutions & services. Our core competencies include fire, process, industrial, LNG, occupational, workplace, environmental & construction safety and pipe integrity management. Our services cover various sectors including banking, communication, oil & gas, information technology, education and marine. We provide safety audit, risk assessment, HAZOP analysis, program designs, implementation strategies, monitoring & evaluation and certification. We provide technical support, project design & specification, maintenance services & support to consultants and end users. Our fire safety services include site surveys, system design, installations & specifications, installed system check, fire alarm control panel, sales & supply of automated fire suppression systems, project management, training and certification. We also offer design & system integrity testing to ensure efficient and effective response in time of need. The area of process safety focuses on preventing fires, explosions and accidental chemical releases in chemical process facilities. Our capabilities include process hazards analysis, facility layout, spacing & site selection, process design safety reviews, quantitative risk analysis, risk management programs, regulatory compliance & support, hazard detection/mitigation system design, pre-startup safety audits, and process hazard management system audits. We provide a comprehensive approach to industrial safety issues in the workplace. We work to assess accidents, failure and to provide information to manage safety & health hazards. Our industrial safety capabilities include hazardous materials transportation services, air & surface sampling, construction services, employee exposure monitoring, hazard evaluation, noise sampling and occupational exposure assessments.

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• Projects: Design, Engineering & Management Ser...• Risk Analysis• Risk Assessment
• Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategy• Risk Management Consultants• Risk Management Program
• Risk Management Program Development• Safety & Environmental Management• Safety and Environmental Management Program
• Safety and Health Program Development Services• Safety Audits• Site Safety Inspections Services
• Workplace Safety Program Development Services

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