 Ducting/Tubing Suppliers > Schaefer Plumbing Supply Co.

Schaefer Plumbing Supply Co.

Contact: Tom Dietrick
Address: 146 Clinton Street, Buffalo, New York 14203, USA
Phone: +1-(716)-853.2406 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Schaefer Plumbing Supply Co. specializes in plumbing, HVAC and PVF supplies. Our products include actuators valve, air cocks, augers, backflow preventors, backwater valves, needle valves, butterfly valves, pedal valves, commercial water heaters, space heaters, sprinkler heads and hand tools.

19 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Air Filters• Backflow Preventors• Booster Pumps
• Butterfly Valves• Digital Flow Indicators• Fittings
• Fixtures• Furnaces• HVAC Equipment
• Hydronic Floor Heating• Industrial Pipes• Internal Backwater Valves
• Plumbing Tools• Safety Equipment• Unit Heaters
• Unit Heaters• Valves• Wall Hydrants & Hydrant Control
• Warm Air Heating & Air Conditioning

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