Profile: Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. is a manufacturer of marine instruments for measurement of salinity, temperature, pressure, dissolved oxygen and related oceanographic variables. Our product line includes SBE 911 plus, SBE 25 Sealogger & Glider Payload CTD profilers, SBE 32 Carousel & SBE 55 Eco water samplers, SBE 11 plus V2 deck unit, interface boxes, SBE 14 remote depth readout, SBE 46 LCD display box, data loggers & counters, time series recording / moored instruments, inductive modems, thermosalinographs and modular sensors. Our SBE 46 is designed for indoor shipboard or laboratory display of up to four parameters obtained from an external instrument, without the need for a dedicated computer. Our thermosalinographs are used to collect information about the sea surface, typically in flow-through systems operating continuously throughout a cruise and also to calculate salinity, density, sound velocity and other parameters of interest.