 Double Lip Seals Suppliers > Shenzhen Techwin Lightning Technologies Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Techwin Lightning Technologies Co., Ltd.

Contact: Shanxi Cai - International Sales Manager
Address: D401 4/F,D Building No 3 FactoryTechnology Load Large Industrial Park, Pingshan New District,, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China
Phone: +86-(755)-86215101 | Fax: +86-(755)-86131076 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Shenzhen Techwin Lightning Technologies Co., Ltd. is engaged in research, production, and sales of Lightning Protection Products. Our main products include AC/DC Surge Protector, Signal Arrestor and Antenna Coaxial Protector. We manufacture a variety of OEM & ODM Surge Suppression Solutions. Our OEM suppressors offer Surge Suppression Solutions. We are accredited with ISO 9001 certification. We provide customer service and technical support, a comprehensive warranty program.

Lightning Protective Box for AC Power System

Surge Suppressor
Our Surge Suppressors include low residual voltage, fast response, temperature-control protective circuit and built-in thermal protection.

Monitor Lightning Protectors
Our Monitor Lightning Protectors include 3 in 1 and 2 in 1 monitor lightning arrester.

Ethernet Power Supply Arrester

Our AC module is provided with a status indicator which verifies the protection level. It has thermal disconnection device and plug connectors. Our AC module is used in sensitive electronic equipment, telecom centers, automatic control centers, and surge protective systems.

18 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
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• Lightning Protector for Data Lines• Lightning Protectors• Monitor Lightning Arrester
• Quarter Wave Stub RF Protector• Surge Protection Devices• Surge Protection Equipment
• Surge Protectors• Surge Suppressors• Switch Lightning Arrester

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