Single Spindle Automatic Lathes & Special Purpose Machine, Model AL-15

Company: Lall Products
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Description: Single Spindle Automatic Lathes & Special Purpose Machine, Model AL-15 - Click To Visit Our Website SPL Automats is economical for the batch of mass production of any type of turned parts for automobiles, diesel engines, pumps, tractors, sewing machine, rifles and guns, air craft, ships, clocks, pressure cookers, gas stove valves and other parts used in large number by many industries. The availability of four cross tools and various attachments for long turning, step turning, double turning, heavy and deep drilling, double drilling, thread milling attachment, high speed drilling attachment and a large range of tool holders make difficult and complicated jobs easy and economical for production. Specifications include: It has a round diameter of 15 mm, hexagonal diameter A/F of 13 mm and square width A/F of 10 mm. The bar feed through pipe stand is a standard accessory for 3.5 mbar length and the bar feed through rod stand is optional for 3.5 mbar length. The machine has a maximum turning length of 50 mm and the maximum drilling depth of 60 mm. The production rate ranges from 29 to 2100 pieces/hour with production rate steps of 42. The normal spindle speeds range from 900 to 6500 RPM with 12 spindle speeds steps. The main spindle motor power has the capacity of 1.2/1.6 kW and the main spindle motor speed is 1500/3000 RPM. The available options include: spindle speeds (on request) of 900-6500 RPM with spindle speed steps (on request) of 12, main spindle motor power (on request) of 1.2/1.6 kW and main spindle motor speed (on request) of 1500/300 RPM. The feed motor power has the capacity of 0.37 kW and has 960 RPM. The coolant pump motor power has the capacity of 0.07 kW.
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