
Southern Metal Fabricators, Inc.

Contact: Charles Bailey - President
Address: 1215 Frazier Rd. / PO Box 743, Albertville, Alabama 35950, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-989-1330 | Fax: +1-(256)-891-0922 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Southern Metal Fabricators, Inc. - Click To Visit Our Website
Southern Metal Fabricators, Inc. specializes in offering custom fabrication services, from pollution control and bulk storage to industrial access and material handling. Established in 1991 as a two-man shop serving maintenance and light fabrication needs of local industry, Southern Metal Fabricators has become an aggressively growing custom metal fabricator, working with clients all over North America.

Dust Collections
We manufacture duct, components, and equipment for use in areas where dry bulk material is processed or conveyed.

Bag and Filter Collectors
We manufacture duct and industrial air systems components to your specifications. We can work from your drawings or our sales and engineering department can provide assistance to design system components to meet the needs of your project.

Cyclones & Horizontal Classifiers
We have four standard models of cyclones to choose from, in addition to custom cyclone fabrication based on the specifications.

Components for Industrial Air Systems
We can custom manufacture bag and filter collectors to increase your collection efficiency in conjunction with both cyclone and drop-out chambers.

Bulk Storage
We manufacture custom containment solutions for all the bulk storage needs. Our above ground Tanks and storage Silos are used for a wide range of products, both dry and liquid, in a wide range of industries including chemical, mining, feed and grain, wood, and plastics. We offer shop-welded and field-bolted storage options to the requirements from the prints. Our Bulk Storage products include Tanks & Silos and Hoppers.

Material Handling
We also manufacture material handling solutions. We provide custom solutions to the continuous material transfer requirements. Our types of transition conveying equipment include bucket, belt, chain, slat, drag, and shaker conveyors and may be equipped with optional chutes, slides, gates or other accessories. Our custom fabricated batch transfer solutions are manufactured to the specifications in a range of sizes. Types of batch transfer equipment we manufacture include carts, self-dumping hoppers and totes.

Custom Metal Fabrication
We specialize in offering a wide variety of components for a wide variety of industries. We use quality grade steel for our custom stairs. We can manufacture almost any type of metal stairway to ensure that every aspect of the commercial, residential, or Industrial Stairs is safe, aesthetically pleasing, and long-lasting. Our handrails are custom built to your specifications. Designs range from basic handrails to the most detailed and intricate. We manufacture custom support steel for buildings and equipment.

Metering Bins | Steel Ladles | Bulk Oil Tanks | Carbon Steel Tanks | Conveyor Bridge | Sand Plant Ductwork | Carts and Totes | Dust Collectors | Industrial Ladders | Ductwork | Bins | Platforms | 

1 to 100 of 132 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 >> Next 100 Results
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• Aluminum Caged Ladders• Aluminum Carts• Aluminum Catwalks
• Aluminum Guardrail• Aluminum Handrail• Aluminum Platforms
• Aluminum Safety Gates• Aluminum Self-Dumping Hoppers• Aluminum Spiral Stairs
• Aluminum Totes• Bag and Filter Collectors• Bag Collectors
• Batch Transfer Systems• Belt Conveyor Systems• Belt Conveyors
• Bucket Elevators• Bulk Material Handling• Bulk Material Handling Equipment
• Bulk Storage Equipment• Bulk Storage Hoppers• Bulk Storage Systems
• Bulk Storage Tanks• Caged Ladders• Carbon Steel Belt Conveyors
• Carbon Steel Bucket Conveyors• Carbon Steel Caged Ladders• Carbon Steel Carts
• Carbon Steel Catwalks• Carbon Steel Drag Conveyors• Carbon Steel Guardrail
• Carbon Steel Handrails• Carbon Steel Platforms• Carbon Steel Safety Gates
• Carbon Steel Self-Dumping Hoppers• Carbon Steel Shaker Conveyors• Carbon Steel Slat Conveyors
• Carbon Steel Spiral Stairs• Carbon Steel Totes• Conveying Solutions
• Conveying System• Conveyor Handling Systems• Conveyors
• Custom Air Handling Units• Custom Built Hoppers• Custom Bulk Material Handling Equipment
• Custom Conveying System• Custom Cyclones• Custom Exterior Stairways
• Custom Fabricated Tanks• Custom Fabrication Services• Custom Hopper
• Custom Metal Fabricating• Custom Metal Fabrication• Custom Metal Stairs
• Custom Residential Stairs• Custom Storage Tanks• Custom Support Steel
• Drag Conveyors• Dry Bulk Storage Containers• Dry Storage Tanks
• Ducts• Dumping Hopper• Dust Collection Equipment
• Dust Collection Systems• Dust Collector Equipment• Dust Collector Filter Bags
• Electric Slide Gates• Elevators• Fabrication Services
• Guardrails• Hand Railing• Hoppers
• Horizontal Classifiers• Industrial Air Handling Systems• Industrial Duty Bucket Elevators
• Liquid Bulk Storage Containers• Liquid Storage Tanks• Manual Operated Slide Gates
• Material Handling• Material Handling Equipment• Material Handling Machinery
• Material Handling Machines• Material Handling System• Metal Expansion Joints, Rectangular
• Metal Expansion Joints, Round• Metal Fabricated Components• Metal Fabrication
• Metal Fabrication Job Shop• Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Products• Pneumatic Operated Slide Gates
• Precision Fabricated Parts• Rectangle Offsets• Round Offsets
• Safety gates• Self Dumping Steel Hoppers• Self-Dumping Hopper
• Shaker Conveyors

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