Spring Hook Tool works well for getting floppy disk parts out of the drive. Its one end has a hook for grabbing and pulling. The other end is designed to push things around. The tool is about 1/8″ diameter and almost 8-1/2″ long. It will remove exhaust pipe springs, tank, seat holding springs, cotter pins and many hard to access parts. This is used in removing and adjusting fine springs. It is also used to remove exhaust pipe springs, seat or tank holding springs, cotter pins and side stand springs.
Cooper Tools |
Address: 4121 N. Atlantic Blvd., Auburn Hills, Michigan 48326, USA
www.coopertools.com |
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Phone: +1-(248)-391-3700
Cooper tools manufactures DC electric & pneumatic tools, assembly equipment and related software. We also manufacture specialized drills & cutters, servos, torque measurements & controls, screw driver