 Aluminium Access Walkways Suppliers > Squirrel Energy Savers Ltd.

Squirrel Energy Savers Ltd.

Contact: Alan Fox - Marketing
Address: 40 Mowbray Drive, Blackpool, Lancashire FY3 7UN, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(1253)-356189 / 355798 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Squirrel Energy Savers Ltd. is a provider of uPVC doors, windows and roof-lines. We specialize in offering advanced glazing technologies such as argon-filled energy-saving glass. Kinds of windows we offer are stained glass windows, hardwood windows and aluminium windows. Our uPVC doors and uPVC windows offer better thermal insulation & noise insulation support. We also provide stained glass services, sliding/folding door installations, commercial glazing and shop front services.

13 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Aluminium Framed Windows• Composite Doors• Custom PVC Framed Windows
• Glass Sliding Windows• Hardwood Windows• Laminated Glass Windows
• Patio Doors• PVC Doors• PVC Folding Doors
• PVC Sliding Doors• Sectional Door Panels• Steel Bifold Doors
• UPVC Window Machines

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