Stainless Steel Pickling Gel, Weldbrite

Company: Rajiv Machines Tools

Description: Stainless steel pickling gel is used to remove the black oxide marks or bum scale left during welding of stainless steel to provide the same look as the rest of the steel being used leaving a clear professionally finished stainless steel weld area. Physical properties include specific gravity - 1.15, water solubility - miscible, pH(as supplied) - C 1.0, and appearance and colour-opaque unlike acidic gel which leaves a pungent acidic odour. This gel is a strong ASTM A 380 compliant formulation having a thick high adhesion that effectively removes free iron, fast acting and facilitates one step descaling. It is completely water soluble and is supplied with an application brush. The advantages include rapid pickling and cleaning of weld area and the heat affected zone, enhancement of the auto passivation process, efficiency in fabrication, nonresidual treatment and easy to use features even on vertical surfaces. Regarding directions for use one has to clean the weld carefully using a stainless steel brush. Then shake the contents of the Weldbrite for 10-20 seconds prior to opening the container to ensure a smooth consistency, especially if the container has not been used for a long time. Then ensure that the surface is cool before applying the Weldbrite paste and apply the Welbrite gel to the area to be cleaned, using the brush provided and finally leave the gel on for approximately 10 minutes. On some types of stainless steel this could take longer.

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