
Sweco Products, Inc.

Contact: Travis Boyan - Outside Sales
Address: 8949 Colusa Hwy., Sutter, California 95982, USA
Phone: +1-(530)-673-8949 | Fax: +1-(530)-671-0110 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Sweco Products, Inc. is a manufacturer of agricultural and industrial machinery. Our 510 series wheel type offset disc harrow is specifically designed for use in orchards, although it is an excellent all-purpose tool as well. It is available in sizes of 8'-3" to 13'-6" widths to be used with low to medium horsepower tractors. It delivers 115 to 130 working pounds per blade. This is accomplished with heavy frame construction, all-steel spacer spools - 9-1/8" spacing, and 24x3/16" smooth disc blades as standard equipment. Drag type offset stubble disc harrow is specifically designed as a rigged stubble disc. The main frame is made from 8½x8½x5/8½ structural tubing to prevent cracking when the disc flexes under strain. Bearing assemblies are mounted on trunnions that can pivot if the gang flexes. Adjustable scraper system is designed for easy clean out and the least amount of trash build up.

14 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Agricultural & Industrial Machinery• Agricultural Machinery• Bulldozers
• Drag Type Offset Stubble Disc Harrow• Farm Machinery & Equipment• Field Ridger
• Fluid Power Cylinders• Harvesters• Hydraulic Cylinders
• Lengthwise Wheel Type Rice Roller• Mud Chisel• Scrapers
• Tri-Plane• Wheel Type Offset Orchard Disc Harrow

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