 Power Strips Suppliers > TNJ Pipe Clips Ltd

TNJ Pipe Clips Ltd

Contact: Nancy Jordan - Director
Address: Unit 21B Avenue Two, Station Lane Industrial Estate, Witney, Oxfordshire OX28 4YG, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(01993)-771441 | Fax: +44-(01993)-774105 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: TNJ Pipe Clips Ltd specializes in the supply of pipe clips and brackets to the plumbing & electrical trade. Our products are made in cast brass, pressed brass, copper, malleable iron, plastic and steel materials. All brass and copper products are available in self colour or chrome plated. We offer a large range of brass backnuts & bushes including hex nipples, flanged and tapered plugs, blank caps, immersion heater plugs & rings, bleed valves & radiator keys. Our plastic clips include push in, flip top side & centre fixing, nail clips, slip on, double clips and washers including top hat. Adding to our range of single rings finally is the steel rubber lined or unlined & backplates all dual tapped 8mm and 10mm.

7 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Back Plates• Bleed Valve• Flange Clamps
• Pipe Clips• Reducing Bushing• Square Head Plug
• Threaded Rods

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