Description: Temperature Indicating Controller measures the temperature ranging from (-) 200 Deg. C to (+) 2,000 Deg. C. The general specifications of this instrument are as follows - input - RTD (Pt-100) thermo-couples; range - for RTD(Pt - 100) - -100ºC to + 199.9ºC, (resolution 0.1ºC), for RTD((Pt - 100) - -100ºC to 400ºC, (resolution 1ºC); for'J' (Fe-K0 - 0ºC to 600ºC; for 'K' (CR-A1) - 0ºC to 1200ºC; for 'S' (Pt-Pt-10%Rh) - 1000ºC to 1600ºC; for 'R' (Pt-Pt-13% Rh) - 1000ºC to 1600?C; indication -3 ½ digit seven segment LED ½" and 1"size, accuracy of indication -+ 0.5% of FSD +1 digit; operation temperature - 0ºC to 50ºC; supply - 230V AC+10%; control accuracy - 1ºC or 2ºC nominal (fan be adjusted); output - relay contact rating 5A potential free; flameproof housing - as IS: 2148/2004; and degree of protection - as per IS: 12063/1987.
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