 Lift Elevators Suppliers > The Mat Source

The Mat Source

Contact: Jason Dunn - Sales Representative
Address: 440 Old Vine Street, Lexington, Kentucky 40507, USA
Phone: +1-(877)-867-6287 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: The Mat Source offers all types of construction mats. We provide hardwood, crane, dragline, laminated and timber mats. Our hardwood mats include skids, 8″, 10″ and 12″ timber mats. Our grade A used mats have minimal wear and tear & the longest life expectancy of any used mats. The structural integrity is at 85%. Grade B used mats contain the vast majority of our used mat inventory. These mats maintain a high level of strength and durability. DuraDeck is a unique molded plastic mat that is durable, lightweight and extremely strong. Sections are engineered to provide ground protection and access over soft surfaces & provide a firm support base & traction for numerous activities. DuraDeck sections can be carried by 1 or 2 persons and positioned easily as required on a job site. The DuraDeck requires no tools for installation/removal.

7 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Composite Matting Systems• Crane Mats• Hardwood Interlocking Mats
• Interlocking Truck Mats• Rental Mats• Timber Mats
• Wood Composite Mats

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