 High Speed Washers Suppliers > The Ringwood Company

The Ringwood Company

Contact: Charles Nodus - President
Address: 6715 W. 73rd St., Bedford Park, Illinois 60638, USA
Phone: +1-(708)-458-6000 | Fax: +1-(708)-458-1051 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: The Ringwood Company is a manufacturer of starch adhesive equipment. Our ringwood resin doser is fabricated from stainless steel. Our service includes turnkey installation. We provide starch mixing requirements to system design, construction and installation. Our complete line of auxiliary equipment and repair parts include adhesive delivery systems, alternate water addition, liquid addition to mixer, super starch hopper, dust collector, dual viscosity supply loop system and warehouse of spare parts.

10 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Adhesive Delivery Systems• Commercial & Service Industry Machinery• Dust Collectors
• High Shear Blade• Industrial Machinery• Internal Heating System
• Starch Mixing Systems• Tractors• Truck Fill Station
• Water Treatment Equipment

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