
Therm-Coil Manufacturing Company

Contact: Clinton Schmitt - Cont., Sales & Marketing Manager
Address: 580 Plummer School Rd. / PO Box 326, West Newton, Pennsylvania 15089, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-872-5007 | Fax: +1-(724)-872-0112 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Therm-Coil Manufacturing Company specializes in heating elements and controls. Our products include cartridge, finned duct, flexible drum, mica type & oil reservoir immersion heaters and thermocouples. Our mica type strip heaters are used in drying & baking ovens or clamped to surfaces for heating tanks, rolls, dies, platens, hot plates and sealing equipment.

46 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Alloy Sheath Immersion Elements• Boiler Replacement Elements• Cartridge Heaters
• Cartridge Immersion Heaters• Double Pole Thermostats• Drum Heaters
• Dryer Heating Coils• Electric Drum Heaters• Electric Fans
• Electric Heating Elements• Electric Switch Gear Heaters• Electric Water Heater Elements
• Finned Duct Heaters• Finned Strip Heaters• Flanged Replacement Elements
• Fluid Transfer Heaters• Heating Coils• Heating Controls
• Heating Elements• High Temperature Wires• Immersion Heaters
• Industrial Electric Heating Elements• Integral Plugs• Magnetic Contactors
• Mica Heaters• Mica Plate Heaters• Mica Strip Heaters
• Mica Type Heaters• Oil Reservoir Immersion Heaters• Open Wire Coils
• Pipe Flange Immersion Elements• Radiant Process Modules• Replacement Controls
• Replacement Elements• Replacement Heating Elements• Screw Type Post Terminals
• Seamless Ceramic Strip Heaters• Single Pole Thermostats• Sink Heaters
• Steel Finned Hairpins• Surface Range Elements• Thermocouples
• Thermostat Accessories• Thermostats• Tubular and Finned Duct Heaters
• Water Heater Accessories

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