 Wire Material Handling Baskets Suppliers > Tianjin Keoli Alt Engineering Materials Technology co., Ltd.

Tianjin Keoli Alt Engineering Materials Technology co., Ltd.

Contact: Xu Renting - Sales Manager
Address: No.63 Guangzhou Road, Tanggu District, Tianjin, China
Phone: +86-(22)-66315698, 25346415 | Fax: +86-(22)-25819300 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Tianjin Keoli Alt Engineering Materials Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of cementing additives and related products. We are an ISO 9001 certified company. CF410L dispersant can significantly reduce cement slurry’s consistency, improve liquidity and the rheological behavior of cement slurry. CF410S is suitable for dry mixing and water mixing. It is soluble in cold water. CF410 is compatible with all API cement class, with all other additives, and all types of water. Its performance degrades when it is applicable to saline water. CH210L medium temperature retarder has a certain effect on the strength of the set cement slurry, when the cure temperature is lower than the bottom hole cycle temperature. CH210L has less effect on other properties of cement slurry. CH210L is compatible with all API cement class, with all other additives, and all types of water.

6 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
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• Dispersants• Fluid Loss Additives• Fluid Loss Control Additives

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