Prefabricated Wood Buildings Suppliers > Tidewater Air Filter Fabrication Co.

Tidewater Air Filter Fabrication Co.

Contact: James Grubbs - President
Address: 228 Pennsylvania Ave., Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462, USA
Phone: +1-(757)-497-2311 | Fax: +1-(757)-473-8707 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Tidewater Air Filter Fabrication Co. is a manufacturing and service company that caters to the services of the air filter industry. Our services include manufacturing of air filtration products, clean room and interior air quality testing, certification & correction services. Our specialty products are throwaway filters, metal washable filters and range hood filters.

20 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Air Filters• Air Filtration Equipment• Air Filtration System
• Automatic Roll Filters• Bag Filters• Downdraft Paint Booth Filters
• Electronic Air Cleaners• Exhaust Filters• Foam Media
• Grease Filters• Metal Filters• Metal Washable Filters
• Microfiber Glass Filters• Pleated Air Filters• Polyester Media
• Range Hood Filters• Ring Panel Filters• Sleeves, Bearing
• Synthetic Filter Media• Throwaway Filters

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